Monday, August 15, 2011

EOC WK 6: Me x 3, Products I Use

This week’s EOC‘s topic is about the 3 products that I personally use on a day to day basis and the reasons why I use them. Let me begin by telling you a little bit about me first, Gen Xer and what I like. I grew up about the time Hip Hop was born. I grew up listening to RUN DMC and the Beastie Boys, and I specifically remember that no one was wearing NIKE’s shoes or sportswear. NIKE’s were worn by upper-class tennis players, or people that wanted to go cross country running or something. All the break dancers and DJ’s, or every one that was involved in that culture wore ADDIDAS. It sticks with me until this day; I prefer to wear ADDIDAS I believe for this reason is because I grew up with their products and their lifestyle. Another product that I use is Levi’s jeans. I never liked those fancy jeans and shiny stuff on them for guys… it’s to pretty for me and my tastes. I think that designs on jeans for men are absurd; jeans are comfortable and sometimes are worn to work in. Levi’s are nice, comfortable and the designs are not to flashy for my tastes. Last but not least, when it comes to technology I use Apple products for all my technical needs. I have an Apple computer at home and a laptop for all my editing needs. Apple is a dependable product, especially if you use them in the creative process. I use Pro Tools software; combined with Apple it runs seamless without any delays. I guess when it comes down to it, things that are to flashy are hip and I like it when technology actually works for what it’s made for.

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